What is "Doom Eager"?

Lorrie Moore, from "Better and Sicker"
"Martha Graham speaks of the Icelandic term "doom eager" to denote that ordeal of isolation, restlessness, caughtness and artistic experiences when he or she is sick with an idea. When a writer is doom eager, the writing won't be sludge on the page; it will give readers -- and the writer, of course, is the very first reader -- an experience they've never had before, or perhaps a little and at last the words for an experience they have."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Progress so far with WYAOD

So I'm almost two hours in to Write Your Ass Off Day. I've completed some revision work on chapter ten and after a short break for a snack and Diet Dr. Pepper, it's full speed ahead with chapter eleven.

With revision I cut some words but ended up adding 337 words to the chapter. I'm not fond of overly long chapters, especially in YA fiction. Mine end up averaging about 15 or 16 pages.

Chapter ten is 18 pages and switches scenes several times between two events happening simultaneously. In this chapter, my main character, Ruby, discovers her true nature, a Shedim, a spirit commonly referred to as a demon, but, in the world of the novel, neither specifically good nor evil.

Writing fantasy fiction is new for me. I usually stick with mainstream literary. Deciding how to reveal a supernatural existence in a way that is believable and powerful, while keeping the level of tension tight, has been difficult. I decided to approach it by having the secret revealed by other characters in separate scenes and flashing back and forth between short passages, revealing several important aspects of the novel's plot at the same time. It feels like it works. I think the next chapter will begin with a bridge scene where she has time to think and take in all the strange recent events of her life. I don't want every scene to contain new action. She needs time to digest what's happening. I'll post how it's going in a few hours.

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